Our Finger On The Hate Button

The other day, I was in the grocery store wearing my hat (the hat pictured above), and a young employee in their thirties gave me the finger. So, I walked over to him, who was about 20 feet away, and said, “Either you can’t read or you’re very lucky I believe in what this hat represents.” He then apologized and explained that he assumed it represented something else.

That incident made me realize how quickly our “hate button” can be pushed. Instead of instantly hating something, we should question why we feel that way. It’s astonishing to think that people and families now hate each other because of their political beliefs. When you read it, it sounds crazy, but it’s happening. We can attribute this divisiveness to politicians on both sides who perpetuate hate in order to gain support. They encourage us to hate the other side and vote for them. It has become an industry.

The truth is, 80% of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, want to be moderate. However, they allow the extreme left and right to dictate the agenda because they are either misinformed or afraid to speak up. As a Conservative Democrat, I believe our party is particularly guilty of fostering hatred. Abraham Lincoln once said, “I hate that guy, I need to get to know him better,” recognizing the destructive nature of hate. This is especially true for politicians. After all, wars have been waged due to hatred, and no war is ever good. Just look at the mess we’ve created around the world. While World Wars I and II may have had some justification, I am grateful to all the patriots who fought and died in all our wars. I believe their sacrifices will not be in vain because we have given the world a taste of freedom and democracy, which will benefit future generations in those countries. Above all else, I am proud of our military. Without them, we would not be the country that everyone, especially our own politicians, wants to destroy, even though I am a Democrat.

If you only watch news media that aligns with your own views and makes you comfortable, you are not truly watching the news. Instead, you are consuming politically correct commentary that tells you what you want to hear. A significant 72% of people in this country believe that political correctness is a problem. It’s important to express your own thoughts respectfully and gain the respect of others. Also, try watching the news from other channels occasionally. You might actually learn something and realize how similar we are. Most importantly, practice tolerance, as it goes a long way in preventing hatred.

Let’s lighten up and think before we resort to hate. At No Hate No Violence, we know that practicing this will lead to greater happiness and create a better world.


Pat Lockhart
CEO & Founder


Hate thoughts are real

I love this picture, its a great photograph of a beautiful woman, that has many thoughts, that mostly trigger or are caused by hateful thinking. She’s not wrong she is influenced by the increasing hate and violence, not only in the US bit around the World.

Never have we been more divided, because our leaders and those who will benefit from our divisions, have made it there agenda.

Social Media and the Main Stream Media, along with most politicians on all sides, Are trying to control our thoughts, “tell us what to think’. Instead of letting our educators,

Teach us “how to think”.

We don’t have to think hate and violence all the time, but is hard when you are constantly bombarded with personage attacks of Hate and violence. Very little news is ever good news, that makes you feel good, no money in that.

The rape word on this women’s cheek is a real thought, and concern for her, as it totally comes from a personal agenda for some perpetrators of Hate and violence, so does bullying.

We at NoHateNoViolnce believe the more respectful open debate and dialogue we can promote and have, the more we can lower hate thoughts for the worst offenders, the less Violence we may have.

We need to have and promote good thoughts, and not assume everyone we are looking at is having a bad thought, making us anxious and on edge to promote our Hate thoughts.

The more good thoughts we can have the happier we can be, regardless of you place in life.


Anti Semitism Is All Our Problem.

Anti-semitism is everyone’s problem, it’s HATE and VIOLENCE at its worst. This article gives some interesting facts on the impact it is having on the American Jews. Though I don’t think the far right Republicans (who I generally don’t agree with) would be supportive of the Muslims and their antisemitism.

This is one of those areas that if you don’t say something when confronted with it, you are complicit, this needs to be put down like a Bully, all the time and as much as possible.

Read the article it’s enlightening


Who is No Hate No Violence?

A letter from our founder on the importance of free speech and debate theory:

I am 71 years old and I have experienced and have seen a lot in my lifetime. I’ve watched our world evolve in so many ways.  Because of this I know that we are fully capable of changing from a bad attitude to a good increasing our happiness. And I know we will continue to make this world a better place for future generations.

This is why I started the No Hate No Violence blog.  I started it because I truly believe there is no place in the world for hate or violence.  I believe we CAN make our world a better place.  And I want to help do this.  So, I began by writing posts trying to encourage others to embrace this ideology.  This is my pay it forward.

Our team here created NO HATE NO VIOLENCE signs and took them to the streets to be carried at the different marches and protests.  All in the hopes of reducing the tensions and encourage peaceful demonstrations and dialog.  I’m not going to lie.  It was intimidating for us to do this.  But it was successful.  We found that it didn’t make a difference what position a person stood on in the matter. Most were receptive and wanted to hold our signs.  This gave us hope.

But, in my process of learning how to be a blogger (and yes, I am still learning how all of this works), I have spent many hours researching various topics.  And as does everyone, I too have my own personal beliefs.  But above all I believe in free speech.  So, when I came across debate teams and the rules of debate I thought AHA!  This is what we need.  This can help!

No Hate No Violence believes in free speech with open and respectful dialog.  So, we began developing the No Hate No Violence Debate Forums.

If we could promote free speech and reduce today’s angry rhetoric using facts we could encourage people to actually listen to each other.

We could get people to really hear different points of views objectively. What better way to start than to encourage healthy respectful debates.  Especially in our youth.

In today’s world when we follow our politicians and media we become more and more exposed to so much negativity, mistruths, and corruption.  Sadly, we are teaching our youth how to be corrupt, how to lie, how to be self-absorbed and how to be closed off to differing points of view.  Much of our society claims to be enlightened and open-minded in today’s age, but in reality, many have become more intolerant.

I think that our issues with bullying alone, is an indicator of what our society and social media is teaching our youth.  Our political leaders and their rhetoric spread all across the media spectrum just screams intolerance and is the epitome of bullying.

We want to change that.  We want to bring the fine art of debating back to the forefront of American society.  We want to re-open the dialogue.

Let’s encourage and support the benefits of debating.  Debating promotes open dialogue and respect and tolerance for others.  It teaches people how to think objectively and quickly.  After all, to be objective you must be able to hear both sides of an issue.

The more we thought about debating the more we realized that we need to expand and promote these programs nationwide from grade school through university.  Especially to those schools needing assistance.  We want to get these debates recorded and publicized to provide ongoing education and awareness to the general public.

There are so many benefits that debating can offer.

Teaching our children to debate at the grade school level will develop their cognitive skills giving them greater confidence and self-esteem.  It will improve their study habits and encourage them to take more interest in subjects they may otherwise shy away from. Click on this link to check out 3rd graders debating!

Debating at both the grade school and high school levels gives the teachers fun opportunities to engage their students in some of the more challenging or “boring” topics.  It’s also a great avenue of redirection for kids lacking in social skills.  The child identified as a “bully” could redirect their aggressive behavior in a more productive way.  And the “shy” kid can find their voice.

These skills carried through high school and college will provide far better opportunities for success in life.  High school debaters will improve their future college and scholarship opportunities.  And those who choose not to go to college have gained invaluable skills to promote themselves in the workforce and their future careers.

Benefiting our youth with these skills benefits our society.

As you can probably tell, we are very passionate about this.  But we are small and have been self-funding everything.  We need your help.  To fully make this a reality we need volunteers and donations to enable us to develop and distribute our systems, market the program, provide outreach and training, and to fundraise and secure sponsors.  We hope you will join us on this journey to pay it forward.

There is no debate…debating can make the world a better place!


Unplanned VS Planned

The topic of abortion certainly is one that carries a lot of debate. As does the movie “Unplanned”.

But rather than debate the topic of abortion we wanted to bring up the topic of censorship.

Many of you may have seen the movie “Unplanned” which tells the story of Abby Johnson, a young clinic director for Planned Parenthood who ultimately becomes an anti-abortion activist.  It’s an interesting movie.

But the making of the movie is an interesting story in itself.

The writer and directors of the movie have faced quite a bit of opposition in marketing this film.  So much so they testified at a Congressional Committee meeting on “Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse”.

Their testimony includes reports of being blocked or suspended from Google Ads, Twitter, and other social media.

The NPAA gave them an “R” rating limiting their ability to market to a Christian base.  These are just naming a few examples of the challenges they faced.  Their testimony was very interesting.  We encourage you to check out the link “Technological Censorship and the Public Discourse”.  It is quite enlightening.

We are supposed to be a country who supports free speech.  Yet, here we find big tech companies trying to restrict our rights.  How is this right or legal?  What they are doing is censorship and seems discriminatory.  Our moral compass needs to get back on course.

This type of censorship is an insult to the intelligence of American adults.

We should always be free to hear both sides of a debate and be free to make our own educated decisions on what we choose to believe in.  Or what we want to watch at a movie.

That’s what makes America great.  We choose which movie ticket we want to purchase.  We choose what we want to believe in.

Our Moral Compass Needs to Get Back on Course

The moral compass of today’s society has really gone astray.  Not to mention the decline in emotional intelligence.  Between the hate crime accusations from Jussie Smollett and the inappropriate touching claims against Joe Biden, what are we supposed to think? Oh, and let’s not forget the exoneration of President Trump from colluding with the Russians.

When it comes to Jussie who knows if we’ll ever get the truth, but either way that story pans out, hate and resentment were the culprits.  If Jussie is guilty he had enough hate and resentment in him to make false claims. And if he’s innocent then those who attacked him were full of hate and resentment as well.  Either way, it’s an ugly truth.

Then we have President Trump.  The Mueller Report says he didn’t collude with the Russians.  You would think we as a country would be happy to hear that our President is not guilty.  Instead, people are angry and in disbelief.  It really is a sad state of affairs.

The truth is the feelings of hate can go beyond the level of any cognitive thinking or ability to deal with resentments.  We really need to rethink and work on tolerance in our country.  How do we take situations such as these and turn them into a positive?

How do we as a society become truly objective once again?  How do we learn empathy and tolerance?  Especially for a difference of opinion?

First of all, we need to re-embrace freedom of speech and learn to listen respectfully to one another.  It is okay to disagree.  I think a great example of this is in the art of debating.  Debating forces both parties to look at both sides of the issue objectively whether you agree with it or not.  There is a lesson to be re-learned there.

Our society has fought long and hard for many years for free speech and civil rights.  We can’t lose all of the progress we have made because of a current lack of emotional intelligence in our society.

How do we fix this?  No Hate No Violence likes to say Stop Talking Do Something.  But for now, let’s start talking and start to really listen.  Let us know your thoughts!

Let’s Do Something While We’re Talking



Anti-Free Speech in Our Colleges Is Another Form of Bullying

Anti-free speech in colleges is the ultimate bullying.  The worst bullies there are, is  the people who stop people from free speech.  When they don’t support the first amendment, when millions and millions of people have died to support it, they are believing in breaking the law, and believing in hate and violence.

It’s crazy to think that the Free Speech Movement began in 1964 by UC Berkeley students.  They were all about protesting a ban on on-campus political activities.  All fueled by the struggle for civil rights and opposition to the Vietnam War.  What has changed?  Now, fifty-five years later, unless you are promoting Liberal views, you are not allowed to speak.  You are not welcome.  The Liberal moral compass really needs to be looked at.  How can we allow ourselves to take such a huge step back in progress?

Anti-free speech quite simply is bullying, and bullying is hate. That’s it.  It is a hate that people have developed over the years.  And we need to fight it.  We need to continue to fight for free speech.

The people who try and stop free speech are the people who have no answers to whatever the comments are.  They don’t know how to debate because they have no answers to the problem.  They are afraid to have a fair debate.  They want to stack the uninformed odds in their favor.

By stopping discussions, you’re nothing but a bully. And if we are against bullying, we should be against anti-free speech.  That is my opinion.  It’s just not right!

This is being fueled by taxpayer funded College professors, more reasons why we should abolish tenor. Tenor has been greatly abused, often as cover for doing the wrong thing. Questioning American ideals is ok, but encouraging anti-American, anti-free speech, is wrong. Lets do the right thing.

Thank you, President Trump, for signing the executive order protecting free speech on college campuses.  I surely hope this can  get the current college administrations and the American people thinking more about free speech and what we can do to support it.



Let’s Preserve Our History With Transparency

Let’s put up large well-lit plaques instead of tearing down our monuments.

I know there are monuments that some people would love to tear down because they represent a dark part of America’s past. I understand why some of these monuments might offend certain people, and I am sensitive to their pain. However, to tear down these monuments would amount to an erasure of the history that they represent. To remove them disrespects the work of the artist and the historical significance of the pieces as they are.

One of the arguments for the removal of Confederate monuments is that they exist in public spaces without context.

They could be seen as a glorification of ideals that our country no longer represents instead of an example of how far we have come. So, instead of tearing them down, why don’t we provide that context? The cities and states that are home to these monuments should choose to maintain the monuments but put up a plaque that explains who the person was and what they did. In the case of Confederate generals, the plaque would explain the person’s involvement in the Civil War and that the war was fought for the preservation of slavery. The explanation should condemn the enslavement of black Americans, but let’s not forget that these pieces of art have become fixtures in communities and, beyond that, are the work of talented artists who spent time, sweat, and tears on them.

There will be people who are offended by this suggestion.

I recognize that. Those whose ancestors were enslaved and are reminded of that horrific history and pain by these monuments should be the ones in charge of the committees that would oversee what should be written on the plaques. Let those on the side of history that has been silenced for much of the existence of our country tell that story as they want it to be understood. Whether it be a few sentences or several paragraphs, providing context would allow for the preservation of the historical art while condemning racism and slavery.

Don’t we want the United States to be a country of redemption? Forgiveness?

If we don’t acknowledge the grim parts of our history, we may be doomed to repeat them. Adding a large well-lit sign explaining the historical context of these monuments would elevate them from a monument to a lesson. It could explain the wrongs of the person and how much our country has grown. If we intend to move forward and build a stronger, more united country free from the tensions of the past, we need to embrace our history and our monuments for the growth that they now represent.

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